Master Detailer
IE Detailing Academy
English and Spanish
Auto Detailing,Paint correction, Ceramic Coating
Business, Sales and Pricing system, Google and yelp,Instagram, Facebook
11883 Magnolia Ave #55 Riverside CA 92503
A Bit About Me
My detailing carear started back in 2005, As any other youth that has not full edtucational degree I was looking for any decent job to be able to bring money to home, I was offered a job at a Car wash here inb Riverside California, it was hard at the begining but I managed to adapt my self pretty quick but there was something inside of me telling me that I was born for more so I dicide to start my mobile car wash in 2008.It was something new back then imagine the car wash coming to you! I know what you are thinking but those were different days lol,For the next 8 years our Mobile detailing business grew from one 1989 Tacoma to 4 Unit Vans, It was 2017 and Ceramic Coating was becoming more popular so we dicide that we needed a Shop Location. Fast forward we are here trying to help others to skip all that hard process by learning from our mistakes and tricks. I been so fourtune to be able build a great Detailing business with a great team, our hard work and systems had put us on the Top of Detailiers in our Area
IE Detailing Academy
Ceramic Coating
Car wash,paint decontamination,clay bar treatment.
Paint correction, Polishing, Car Prep. for Ceramic Coating
Cerami Coating installation, we will add ceramic coating and talk about the process, techniques and tricks
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